I firmly believe that what we know about the world and ourselves doesn't live inside our heads but emerges as we interact with people and things. This conviction, that knowledge is sociotechnically constituted, has profoundly shaped my research agenda. And over the years, it has helped sharpen my focus on the unique opportunities and challenges facing the knowledge economy in the 21st century.
My academic work can be broadly grouped into the following core themes:
decision making in the wild
the social organization of expertise
information technologies and the workplace

Decision making in the wild
Several of my projects conceptually develop and empirically flesh out a sociologically-informed approach to studying real-world risk and uncertainty management that reinstates decision makers as makers of decisions, crafting locally rational solutions out of the heuristics and techniques with which they have equipped themselves over time. The unit of analysis is neither the individual nor the organization but the task at hand. To be sure, individual actors are emplaced in a more or less institutionalized sociomaterial environment that affords them certain cultural repertoires and recipes for action. But it is in the wild, within the evolving microcontext of action, that decision making takes shape first and foremost. Hence decision makers become skillfully improvisational and discerningly creative as a matter of habit. Of particular interest to me here is the role that prospection (or future orientation) plays in how decision makers develop problem-solving habits to navigate distinct time-driven tasks.
Jan 2012 "Weathering Risk: Uncertainty, Weather Forecasting, and Expertise", Sociology
Sep 2015 "From Bricolage to Collage: The Making of Decisions at a Weather Forecast
Nov 2015 Masters of Uncertainty: Weather Forecasters and the Quest for Ground Truth,
2022 "Perceptions of Gambling and Gaming among Digital Native Millennials", Academia
Letters (with M. Hecht, and S. Glenn)
* "Seeing Double: Prospective Decision Making in Cardiology Practice" (under review)
* "How Doctors Make Decisions" (book manuscript, in preparation)
The social organization of expertise
Sep 2001 "The Intellectual and Social Organization of ASA 1990-1997", The American
Jan 2012 "Weathering Risk: Uncertainty, Weather Forecasting, and Expertise", Sociology
Nov 2019 "Expertise in Weather Forecasting", Oxford Handbook of Expertise (with D. LaDue,
R. Hoffman, and R. Pliske)
* "Expertise in the Public Domain" (under review)
* "Screenwork as the Social Organization of Expertise" (under review)

Information technologies and the workplace
Apr 2010 "Visual Perception at Work: Lessons from the World of Meteorology", Poetics.
* "Screenwork as the Social Organization of Expertise" (under review)
* "Reconfiguring Professional Identities: Weather Forecasting in the Digital Age" (in